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Sydney Atlassian Founders Worth $20 Billion

Sydney Atlassian Founders Worth $20 Billion

The Founders of Atlassian are now worth a cool $10 billion each after a massive share market rise. 💰 💵 💴

The Sydney based billionaires are rolling in it, maybe even literally, as their company pulls in even greater market share in the software services category.

Atlassian stock has more than doubled to $US111.22 since March 2018.

The stock soared after the company announced to market a new acquisition this week in AgileCraft – a business management and project tool.

The Sydney billionaires said the new acquisition takes their company into a new era.

“Gone are the days when digital transformation was an option for companies. It’s now a requirement,” Scott Farquhar said.

“With AgileCraft, leaders can examine their entire business to assess where they should be making strategic bets, like adding 10 per cent more funding to a mobile project that’s showing strong initial results, or dialling back on an integration initiative that’s not generating the forecasted customer value,” he said.

Sydney Atlassian Founders Worth $20 Billion
The Atlassian office looks like the set of TV show Billions

In 2018, Mike Cannon-Brookes purchased Australia’s most expensive home on Sydney harbour for an estimated $100 million.

The heritage listed Fairwater Home off the Fairfax family.

“We are delighted with the purchase of Fairwater for our young family and look forward to continuing the legacy of this beautiful Sydney home,” Cannon-Brookes told Domain at the time.

“We love the idea of raising our four young children in this historic property, filling the house and gardens with love and laughter through the years.”

Sydney Atlassian Founders Worth $20 Billion
Fairwater was purchased for over $100 million in 2018 by the billionaire funder Mike Cannon-Brookes

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